Friday, July 30, 2010

Cong's 27th Birthday

Okay so today, I went Parra with Richard to buy myself a dress for Cong's birthday and a top for Winterbeatz. Also watched Predators @ the movies which was a retarded movie ... Should of listened to Richard and watch this other movie .. forgot what it was called. But anyways, left parra at like 4:30pm, Cong's birthday dinner was @ 7pm so that means leaving just before 6pm.. Train wasn't coming till 20mins D: So got back to Cabra @ around 5:40ish , ran to Woolies to buy batteries for my Flash and mum drove me home, quickly got into my new dress, did my make-up and everything then left to Wagaya for a family din din !
Mimi & I
Our room
Cathy & I
Mmm .. the service was heapss quick
The Family
Cathy & I
Cutting The Cake

After dinner, Went ABL Club, where Cong had his surprise ! ahaha
There's soemthing about this picture that makes it look so cool .. And no .. its not Sinh ahah
After ABL , went to Orange Grove Maccas and ordered 100 nuggets, 5 Large fries and 5 large cokes .. ahhaha omg what a feast

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