Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Welcome To Blogspot ! :D

"It was beautiful, juicy-looking, shiny red green, and anyone who saw it would want a bite. But one taste and the person's eyes would close forever in the Sleeping Death."
-Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

So i've decided to make a blog just so i can express to you my passion of photography or simply i jsut feel like posting up a lifestory about my day then i'd so :) But yeah, My first few photos will be my process for my Visual Arts major (body of work). Hopefully they turn out goood ! My first photoshoot will be on Snow White if you couldn't figure it out .. LOL My model is Dalena Nguyen ;P And Yeah :)There'll be more photos to come, just need to find a good day to take some pretty photos :P

lots of love.

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