Monday, November 30, 2009

Hello Summer !

Woooop ! Its the first day of summer ! which means 24 days left to Christmas . How exciting. Just a little about my day. Kicked the day off with Visual arts. Didn't work on any of my photographs but i studied for Food Technology since i have an exam in period 2.. I was sooo scared since its my first HSC exam . Period 1 was Business Studies, the student teacher is soooooo annoying .. Thank god she's leaving at the end of this week. I miss Mrs.Walton :( Anywhooo . Period 2 = Food Technology = Exam. I quickly walked to my table and got my pen out whilst hyperventilating .. hahas. Although, the exam turned out to be pretty easy :D I had a formal committee meeting @ period 3 which took over English , wooop woop ! We had to put all our powerpoints onto the computer so we're ready to present it in front of the whole grade tomorrow .. How nerve racking . And so, after my meeting, i went to fairfield (saw Suzanne, Nathan, Aaron and Joanne) to get my extensions tightened . That was the most excruciating pain ever out of all the times I've been getting my extensions tightened. Welps, at least I'll know that i wouldn't have to come back for awhile :D Back to Cabra, met up with Richard to walk back to school. Walked to Dalena's house where i met up with Jens, Jools,Silena and of course Dalena for Jen's photoshoots. Her theme is on Shoes. Pretty cool, so check it out ! I've editted 2 of them since i was so bored. haha hope you like :)

My last Photoshoot with Snow White. Here's a simple upload of her binge eating.
Hope you like !

p.s : I'm planning on doing a daily photoshoot kinda thing for 31 days starting from today . Hmm not sure if i can keep up and think of new ideas, but lets see how i go :P Below is my 1/31 :) Idea = Summers here !!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Photoshoot #2

Well today was a hot day but we managed to get some pretty good photos :) Good job Dalena .

I also included Dalena's photos of her project (which are located at the bottom). Her theme is social status. Mainly concentrating on the rich and poor. And as you can see I'm modelling as the poor.

Dalena's photos aren't editted, still looks good so i hope you like them . hahahas i look so gay :P

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Fortune Cookie : You Like Chinese Food

The title says it all . hahaha I like chinese food very much !!!!! Gonna grab some sushi on friday ! woot wooot :P Sigh tK , ahhas
p.s - I Love Tae Yang :P

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Welcome To Blogspot ! :D

"It was beautiful, juicy-looking, shiny red green, and anyone who saw it would want a bite. But one taste and the person's eyes would close forever in the Sleeping Death."
-Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

So i've decided to make a blog just so i can express to you my passion of photography or simply i jsut feel like posting up a lifestory about my day then i'd so :) But yeah, My first few photos will be my process for my Visual Arts major (body of work). Hopefully they turn out goood ! My first photoshoot will be on Snow White if you couldn't figure it out .. LOL My model is Dalena Nguyen ;P And Yeah :)There'll be more photos to come, just need to find a good day to take some pretty photos :P

lots of love.