Sunday, November 28, 2010


The day has finally come . Year 12 Formal ! woot wooot ! I started getting ready @ around 3pm 'cause I had to leave early to set up the venue. I got dropped off @ Dalena's crib and we left @ 4.45pm. Traffic was alright at first, but as we got closer to the venue (Curzon Hall), traffic killed us. Took us about 1hr 15mins, when its only suppose to take about 40 mins. LOL. Well anyways, we got there and people were already there, so we rushed the setting up. Everyone looked great ! 
 I Love Mummy

 Dalena, Myself and Kelly
 The Boys
 The Boyus & I

 Angelique and I

 Dalena, Linda, Myself, Dao and Kelly
 Me and Kelly . Love her dress
 The Best Year Adviser Ever !
 The Sash Winners

Linda, Myself and Dalena
 Diana & I

 The Cute Dj :P

Thomas & I
 Dalena & I
Philip & I
Melissa & I

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

This And That

Okay, long time no blog 'cause .... I've been lazy. Like always lol . So Post HSC Life is currently happening, and so far its alright. Could be better though. Just dunno what to do everyday. Formal is just around the corner ! Woooh ! 2 more days :D I've got my dress which costed me $299.95, a fairly good price for a veryyy pretty dress, fingers crossed that no-one else has it. Umm I've also been shopping quite a fair bit. Bought some M.A.C cosmetics and clothesss <3

The game is awesome, the graphics is awesome. Everything about it is awesome. LOL