Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Fashion Weekend !

Although, it disappointed me this time. Only bought 3 items ='[

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mama's Day , Love you long time .
So took my mum out to dinner @ Golden Star Palace
Yummmm .. Crab
The Everyone
Aren't they just the cutest?

Pheonix & Iconic

Oh my gosh, I haven't uploaded for so long D: Well here's what happened so far.
Breath Testing , he got 0.60
After breath testing, he thought that he didn't drink enough, so he went a drank more and this is what happened .. LOL
Me & Kelly
Phillip & Steph - Diana and I
Diana & I
Richard & I
Dalena & I
Richard, Me, Philippe, Jonathan & David
Me & Philippe
Stephanie, Richard & I
Stephanie & I
First thing that happened when we got into Iconic .. K.O ! I can't get over this pic. hahahahha
Care for some Wet Pussy?
& Dancing the night off !
On the bus home after a long and freezing cold wait .