Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Okay so, I woke up today @ 7.30am, couldnt get back to sleeep, so anxious about my ATAR mark. When it came to 8.45am, i was so impatient I opened up the UAC site to prepare myself to log on so that I get my marks before the system crashes down on me. And so once the page loaded, it seemeed like i was able to log on and find out my ATAR, and so I logged on. I wanted to parents to see my ATAR first but my eye went straight to the 4 digit numbers ... 83.25 ... I got scaled down pretty bad .. I was so shocked at first, thinking ' No way, that can't be my mark ' till i looked at the student number, and it was mine ... Sigh, not what i expected. I expected my ATAR to be 85+ just so I'm able to get into MACQ Uni. Even with 83.25, I'm still short to get into MACQ Uni. Short by 0.35 points ... Sigh !! But thank god for bonus points .. I went on the MACQ Uni website and it said for 2011 bonus point scheme, Business Studies - Band 5 results in 1 extra point. Mathematics and English (Adv) - Band 5 results in 2 extra points. The maximum i can get is 5 bonus points. Sooo I think I can get into MACQ Uni . Phewww. I told my mum and dad my ATAR and they're happy ...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

2010 HSC Results

The day has finally come. HSC Results have been released. I woke up @ 5.45am, so skype with Dalena, so we can share out marks and see each other's reactions. We were getting our marks via text message, so we waited impatiently for our phones to go off. It happened to arrive 10mins early, so @ 5.50am, we got our results. I was first to open, quickly coverd the first half of the screen, and saw an 8. Omggg, so i uncovered the screen, and BAM ... my results .. ALL BAND 5s !!! I WAS SOOO HAPPY :D However, i was expecting a band 6 for food tech =[ But overall, im satisfied.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Red P-Plater :))

I am like the happiest kid on earth right now. haha, I got my P's ! Finalyyyyyyy ! 
My test was @ 11.45am, so my instructor came @ 1030am so i can practise an hour before hand. I was sooo nervous. The person I had seemed tooo mean, but when I got in the car and drove, he was pretty nice. He even gave me little hints and stuff. It was a short 20 minute drive. I got tested on kerb side stop and reverse parking. Once the drive was ovver, i waited anxiously for my results. He called me, my heart was beating like crazy. haha . He asked me how i think i went, and I said ' lets hope for a pass ' and he nodded, and said I PASSED ! My hand started to shake cause i was sooo happy. ahaha My instructor told me that the dude i had, is apparently very strict, most of those who had him failed. heheh maybe i was just lucky today that he was in a happy mood, LOL. 

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Tk's 18th Birthday Bash @ Zaia

One of the exciting event that happened so far during my post-HSC life. Tk (my beloved cousin) celebrated his big 18th birthday @ a club known as Zaia. It happens to be a club that is strict on I.D. I've heard many stories, that those who were under 18, using fake I.Ds couldnt get into Zaia, or even had their I.D's taken off them because they didnt look like the person on the I.D, couldn't name their address, D.O.B correctly, or could not sign the signature on the I.D. 

Ok, so I left my house @ about 4.15pm, and went to pick up Julia who lives just around the corner. My brother dropped us off at the station, hurried to our platform, bought our ticket and met up with Richard. Our train came @ 4.30pm. And 3/4 of the way, we realised we got on the wrong train ... LOL we were meant to take the bankstown line which was came 2 mins after the one we got on .. ooops. ahahah. So we met tk @ central station instead. At first, he kept us waiting for like almost an hour. Once he arrived to Central, his brother came and they went to check out hotels. Once again, we waited for him. This time, for like 1hr and a half .. & I had his phone as well, all of his friends were calling, wondering where he is and where to wait. 

And so, we had to meet him @ the Hobo Park, where he also told everyone to meet. We then walked to our Hotel, "The Sebel". Quite a nice hotel. There we had pre-drinks, before we took off to Zaia. We caught a taxi, 'cause we were lazy and we didnt want to be late for the free entry, LOL. Taxi costed us $5 .. LOL thats how close we were to Zaia. Umm, A few of tk's friends got there first and tried to get in. Only 1 got rejected, and thats when we all waited outside and a promoter came and talked to us, and tried get us in. He was cute ;) LOL . He couldnt do much, soooo those who couldnt get in went back to the hotel, they were Peter, Arman and my bestie Richard. Sucked that they couldnt get in. I was sooo scared that they'd take my I.D off me and I couldn't get in :(

Tk and I
However, one of Tk's friend, she had a fake i.D aswell, and she managed to get in . And so, I decided to give it a try, my heart was beating like crazy, wanted to piss my pants.. LOL Julia went in first, then it was my turn. Gave in my I.D, acting as calm as possible. Bouncer looked at it, then had a quick glance @ me , then he said "ok" . WOOOOOOOOOOOOH ! i got in ! ahhaha. Me and Julia was soo happy. Lined up, to pay and get in. Just missed out on free entry, what a bummer. It was quite empty, but it made sense, it was only 9.45pm . First drink for the night was a Tequila shot. ewww D:

&; obviously, the club eventually got packed, and so we drank and danced the night off. I loved the environment. I'd prefer Zaia than Verandah Bar. I bumped into 1 or 2 friends, it was good seeing them again. Julia left Zaia at around 1.30am, 'cause she was feelin' tired, so Edmund took her back to the hotel. I was left with Tk and the rest of the remaining boys. Sooooo tired/sweaty/thirsty from dancing. ahaha. We left Zaia @ like 2.30am, Taxi'd it back to the hotel, drank a little bit more then crashed to sleeeeeeep. Slept @ like 5ish. 

And so, woke up @ 8.30am, washed my face, got changed. Wanted to go back to sleep. So tired. We just found out that they had a pool/spa/sauna, and a gym so we went to check it out. tk, Arman, Michael Long and Edmund, decided to swim. Me, Richard and Julia jsut stayed up in our rooms and relax/sleep a bit more lol. Once they got back, we went out to Market City to find something to eat. After that, the boys wanted to try the bumper cars @ the new galaxy world, which was gonna open up in 40 mins, so they waited for it while me and Julia went back to the hotel to pack our stuff up and rest a bit more. 1hr later, Richard came back first and he said that they didnt try out the bumper cars, they had to wait for another 1hr for it to open. They came back shortly after. We rested a bit more. Then Julia received a phone call, and it was her friend who was gonna drive us home. Said out goodbyes and back to Cabra we go. Got home @ 4.30pm . 

Wow, this is the most i've ever written for a blog ... So proud , LOL

Sunday, November 28, 2010


The day has finally come . Year 12 Formal ! woot wooot ! I started getting ready @ around 3pm 'cause I had to leave early to set up the venue. I got dropped off @ Dalena's crib and we left @ 4.45pm. Traffic was alright at first, but as we got closer to the venue (Curzon Hall), traffic killed us. Took us about 1hr 15mins, when its only suppose to take about 40 mins. LOL. Well anyways, we got there and people were already there, so we rushed the setting up. Everyone looked great ! 
 I Love Mummy

 Dalena, Myself and Kelly
 The Boys
 The Boyus & I

 Angelique and I

 Dalena, Linda, Myself, Dao and Kelly
 Me and Kelly . Love her dress
 The Best Year Adviser Ever !
 The Sash Winners

Linda, Myself and Dalena
 Diana & I

 The Cute Dj :P

Thomas & I
 Dalena & I
Philip & I
Melissa & I