Thursday, December 24, 2009

25/31 - Merry Christmas To You All

May your world be filled with warmth and happiness this Holy season, and throughout the year.Wish your Christmas be filled with peace and love. Merry Christmas to you all :)

23/31 - PARTAYYY

Wadurrrpppp, today was Phuong's birthday celebration ! It was a good night :D

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

22/31 - I figured out the apperture !

woooooooooot ! experimenting with my new D3000 !

Monday, December 21, 2009

21/31 - My New Baby


My Neighbour's dog was sitting at the front of my door. Almost knocked it out with the door when i opened , ahaha thanks to my quick reflexes i saved it from getting hurt.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

20/31 - Sufferring from a minor hangover

Hangovers are the worst thing you can ever feel. It totally sucks. I was practically in bed the whole day and arvo. Sleep is the key .. ahha , Jazzmon and Issac slept over and we watched Paranormal Activity. OH EM GEEE ! Good movie. Thought it would be a bit scarier. Apparently, i was watching a different version from the one showing in Cinemas. And yes .. I was able to go to sleep that night. LOL

19/31 - Partay with 2204 !

I'll skip right the exciting bit. Well its Tk's birthday celebration today. And its Karaoke at CEO ! I love CEO . Its so pretty ! We had the room from 5:30pm to 9pm . People were already off it. We went to eat Maccas after Karaoke. I had a feeling that we'd end up @ Maccas rather than a proper restaurant. hahah but its fine. Just aslong as we get a feed. We pretty much wondered around abit then went home after that. Tk and Linda went back to my place & ended up drinking abit more.

Friday, December 18, 2009

18/31 - Those who don't like shopping can go die !

Today , I went Parramatta with Dalena to obviously do some shopping before a big day out tomorrow . Ummm , i wasn't really meant to buy anything except a special gift. I ended up buying 2 new tops and 2 pairs of shoes . Tsk tsk , not gooood Monica. You're tryna save up D= Well yeah , Dalena finally bought her Ray bans ! Lol yay ! After all my shopping, i had tutor. It was the last day for the term and it was boring .. Lol , no-one came besides Julie and this guy.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

17/31 - Newby Magician

Well, since Paul got me 2 decks of cards which cost me $15. I gotta put it into use , so i've decided to learn a few tricks, but im not as obbsessed to it as Paul is. ahah i learnt how to cut a deck with one hand. Its easy-ish, but im gonna need a few more practise in order to cut it perfectly.

16/31 - SCHOOLS OUT !

WOOOOT !!!! Summer Holidays are finally here ! Hip Hip Hooooray ! Time to celebrate :D

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

15/31 ; D=

Well today was tiring i guess , walking around in circles getting my clearance card all signed and i still haven't finished , sigh . Anyways, I went with Mrs.Schupak (My year adviser), Matt and Dalena to check out our formal venue (WatersEdge) and the scene was beautiful. My overall rating is 7/10.

(I do have a picture, but im not bothered to upload it .. LOL , its just a picture of my hand... LOL)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

14/31 - Baby Are You Down Down Down Down Down ..

Oh Em Gee , What else could today bring . Before i say anything, I would like to thank Jay Tran for bringing me Max Brenna :) Although it was unexpected, how nice of you. thanks a million, it cheered me up from what im about to explain.. lol ! Well, I got my math results today and it was real bad . It put me down .. Im now a downie :'( My mark was 61% . How depressing is that . I wanted 75% + . Sigh , I guess there's always room for improvement ! Anyways, on tot he good stuff. I Love My Mum Very Much :D She's going to get me something I've always wanted and for those who are reading, sorry I can't tell you . It's gonna be a surprise :D

Saturday, December 12, 2009

13/31 - You Like ?

I went DFO today with my cousins, I was meant to go sandal hunting and black high waist skirt hunting but i didnt end up with any , i ended up coming home with a new pair of heels. Pretty isnt it ? :P $40 @ Wanted . I also got a blue top from Dotti $20 (although i didn't pay for that, mimz did cause it was 'cash only' and i had my key card so .. woop woop !) Mmmm i love sales :D

12/31 - New Moon = :'(

Okay, so today i went parra with dalena and we watched New Moon D: It was suchh an awesome movie , i cried :'( Did you dalena? lmaoo Btw, i apologise my photos arent that great these days . Havnt had much time to really think of ideas so i just did some random stuff.

11/31 - EXAMS ARE OVER !!!

WOOOOOOOOOOOT ! NoMore Blardy Exams ! Hooorayyyyyyy :D English was my last exam, and you know what .. I wrote 8 pages for my essay O_O i was surprised .. Hopefully i get good marks though .. LOL

It's a friday once again, how how quick time flies . Although , I Like Fridays ... :P



9/31 - ajnhfaeuhvoanvjk

Yeah , i felt many different emotions today . LOL, at one stage i'd be frowning, the other id be smiling till my cheeks hurt , goshnss. Well, today i got my Food Tech. results back and i got 91% I came second in my class :D I was the happiest kid on earth :D hahas

8/31 - Have A Break .. Have kit Kat

SIGH !! My math and business exam is tomorrow and im like stressing over math (maxima and minima) .. Why is math so hard :( I need a break from exams !




LOL , umm sorry i kinda failed .. I don't a pic for today :( But i can't blame myself, i have been busy with exams .

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Family <3 - 5/31

My nieces came over today . Missed them so muchies ! Good to see them again . They've grown so much :( I dont want them to grow ! D=
Oh wells . Here's my 5/31 picture :) Arent they adorable ? :P

Cheers !
xx. Monicaaa

Thursday, December 3, 2009

4/31 ; Clocks Ticking - I've Waited Long Enough .

HAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHA .. Tick Tock Tick Tock .. Don't mind my title . LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL erh yeah . No obsession here or anything. Just random* . Anywho , my idea for today is " Waiting " :D Only those whom i talk to would understand. Its our little inside joke. Welps, i'm off to tutor now to learn some mathematics and english ! . Toodle dooo !

p.s : Hope you like ;D And looks better when you click on the pic to enlarge it.

Its 10:11pm right now,just an update with today. Tutor was ok, did some hard mathematic D= bleh andto those who understood my picture, It was an un-happy ending for me today :(

Exams and Assignments = Doing My Head In

Under pressure much , so much work to do with schooooool . Ancient Exam on Monday, Business Studies and Mathematics on Wednesday, English Exam and Visual Arts Essay on friday... sigh , my social life is goneskies.

Welps, since exams are really doing me head in , so my idea for 3/31 is studies. Bleh. Not the best editting, quickly rushed it 'cause i wanted to do my essay. Welps, cheeriohs !

xx. Monica

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tiring Day

BLEHHH !! today was such a tiring and slow day .. Period 0 was ancient history in the library . Period 1 was english, blehh ! period 2 was year meeting. I did my formal venue presentation and so did others along with the jersey committee. Waters Edge (Mrs.Schupak's venue) won the vote ! nooooooooooooooo .. i wanted Curzon dammit ! lol , well at least that came second, so i hope waters edge is all booked out ;D teehee ! period 3 was business studies, played a lame quiz game .. period 4 was math, bleh ! my eyes wanted to shut down on me :( tried my best to keep them open . I succeeded ;D period 5 was Visual Arts, put all my finished photos onto a usb so i can go develop them. Walked out to cabra with Dalena so she could pay her bills, then back to her house and her dad drove us to officeworks. Developed photos, i bought pens and a 4gb usb for $12.30 ! bargain !

Anyways .. Today is day 2/31 and i have no ideaaaa of what to take photos of D: I neeeeed ideasssssssssssss , wooooop wooop wooop wooop wooop wooooooop ..

Anywhoo, right now i'm trying to print out my photos for my process diary and my computer aint connecting with the printer T_T i want to like slam and smash my printer into pieces T_T sigh . lol